Litterbugs . . . . .

Friday 31st May 2013.

Sat in my usual spot beside the small pool at Park Lime Pits this afternoon,

Small Pool, Park Lime Pits

My secluded spot

I was suddenly joined by a bunch of loud youths at the opposite side of the pool. So secluded is my chosen spot, that they didn’t spot me, but I could half see them through the gaps in the foliage beside me. For about half an hour they proceeded to disturb the peace with their shouts and screams. I heard one of them shout “sausages”, then another shouted “Are those burgers cooked ??” – Yes, they were having a barbecue . . . . .

Less than an hour later the shouts and screams ended abruptly – they’d had their fill and cleared off – rather too quickly for them to have cleared up the area after themselves, I thought.

A stroll round to the other side of the pool confirmed my suspicions…….

Park Lime Pits LitterPark Lime Pits Litter Park Lime Pits Litter Park Lime Pits Litter Park Lime Pits Littermeat packaging, drinks bottles, beercans, carrier bags, and even the disposable barbecue itself lay discarded amongst the undergrowth, and in the pool. The Bench, which they’d used as a makeshift barbecue stand, bore a huge scorchmark, and a liberal coating of fat and grease – anyone sitting on there would get an unpleasant surprise.

We can only hope that those sausages and burgers were cooked nice and rare . . . . .

About stevieboy378

In my 50th year. I'm a keen cyclist, walker, photographer, musician, TV watcher, XBox gamer, and all-round couch potato....
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3 Responses to Litterbugs . . . . .

  1. Ruth says:

    I go to Park Lime Pits most days, to walk my
    dogs. Last Saturday I was “shot at” by youths, who were at the same spot as the
    BBQ louts, with an air gun!
    I reported it to the police but they didn’t respond while I was there and I’ve heard nothing since.

    • stevieboy378 says:

      Unbelievable. I tend to avoid the place at weekends anyway, as the number of louts, with or without large dogs in tow, irritate me – I like to have the place pretty much to myself. I’m hoping that things will quieten down again now that the half term is over . . . .

  2. ziksby says:

    Mid afternoon when I walked past them by the bench. i didn’t see any sign of a barbie, Maybe they had only just arrived.

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